Hi, and thanks for visiting!

At the moment, with the open alpha stage of the website finished, due to the extensive feedback received we're going to need a fair bit of work before moving on forward to the open beta. This is because we will be doing a number of sweeping changes.

Because of this, there will be times such as now when the website is down for maintenance purposes. Rest easy though, once the open beta begins and we try to really start expanding our userbase, lapses like this will not be an occurrence. For the moment though, we thank you for your visit, and though the site isn't available for the moment, we hope all is well!

You can decide on how the text should be presented, as long as it is professional and deemed good by us. Once the text is presented and tied to the domain, payment will be received. That is, if user types in domain, they should come to page with this text presented in a good presentable professional way. Thanks for reading through, and have a good one!